babagan awake dhewe

Shanghai Sukses Konstruksi International Trade Co, Ltd

As a professional suspended platform manufacturer and supplier, we offer most reliable products and excellent service to our customers. We have been experiencing fast growth with the rapid development of Chinese economy. Our products are currently exported to Our products are mainly exported to Dominican Republic, Maldives, India, Malaysia, Italy, the USA, Spain, Turkey and South Africa….

Our team have more than 8 years experience on this line of bussiness. Our products mainly include suspended platform, and spare parts for construction hoist, We can produce products according to customers’ special requirements. kita pracaya kita bisa menehi jawaban inovatif kanggo para pelanggan ing ndonya.

Kualitas lan keamanan iku budaya kita. Mesin konstruksi kita. bakal dititi priksa sadurunge pengiriman. Teori konstruksi budaya majeng, kanggo ningkatake moralitas sosial pegawe, etika profesional lan kabeneran kulawarga, ningkatake visibilitas, derajat peradaban, reputasi, ningkatake kohesi, daya saing, produktivitas kanggo tujuan, adhedhasar orientasi rakyat, implementasine sing kebak nduweni ciri budaya konstruksi perusahaan, ningkatake semangat perusahaan, praktik nilai perusahaan, strategi lan staf pangembangan bisnis kanggo entuk visibilitas kesatuan organik, konsep operator harmoni lan konsep karyawan, donya utama pegawe diselarasake karo lingkungan njaba apik, mbangun perusahaan harmonis.



There are 5 – 10 People R&D Engineer(s) in our company. R & D is the company’s core departments, shoulder research and development of new products, improve product features task. Workflow R & D center is based on the CMM model trimmed, divided into specific planning, design, implementation, testing and maintenance of five steps. At the end of the planning, design stage, carry out periodic checks at the implementation stage will be three testing and acceptance testing andinspection after each has a separate version that can be run, followed by the test phase; test code coverage, test data coverage When finished, enter the maintenance phase, including products, services and upgrades to further improve customer service, and establish the company’s brand.


Apa wae sing perlu disaranake hubungi kita. Email: [email protected]